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Safety Tips for Single Females Living Alone in a House or Apartment in San Antonio, TX; Deadbolts, Sliding Door Security Bar, Window Locks & More

If you are a female living alone, staying safe is a top priority. There are many criminals that target those living alone and being a female living alone only makes you an even more likely target. Fortunately, there are some safety measures you can take to keep you safe even when you don’t have anyone else living with you. Texan Lock and Key is here to share some tips to keep you safe if you are a female living by yourself.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings & Meet Your Neighbors

Get to know your neighborhood. You should know who your neighbors are, and let them know you. You don’t have to become best friends with them or anything, but these people can be a big help to you if you live alone. Obviously, you shouldn’t share too much about yourself until you have a good feel for your neighbors and know they are trustworthy. You should also be aware of your community and report anything that seems suspicious to the proper authorities.

Learning Women’s Self Defense

If you can find yourself a self-defense course that is specifically designed for women, that would be the best. Anytime you take the time to learn how to defend yourself, it is time well spent. The more you practice the self-defense moves you learn, the more they will become like second nature and seem natural for you.

Best Guard Dog Security Breeds

Not only are dogs great companions for people, they are also great at keeping intruders out of your house. If you don’t have a security system installed in your home, you might want to rely on the instincts of a dog. They can sense something out of the norm and alert you, all the while, spooking whoever it is trying to gain entry into your home.

Keeping Curtains Closed at Night

This might seem simple, but when the sun goes down, it is time to close your curtains. When the shades aren’t drawn after dark, it is natural for the line of sight to be drawn to a well-lit window. You don’t want people to look inside your windows and see that it is you and you alone in your home at night.

Check Your Home Security; Deadbolts, Lighting, Sliding Door Bar & Window Locks etc

You want to check your home for any security problems that might be there. Here is a checklist of some things you should check:
1. Reinforced Deadbolt– Make sure your deadbolt doesn’t only work, but has been reinforced. You can upgrade to a more secure deadbolt that makes it harder to break into your home.
2. Good Lighting– Is the parking garage that you park in well lit? Are the lights on your front porch working properly? Criminals are less likely to come to your home if it is well lit.
3. Sliding Door Security Bars– If you have sliding doors, you should put a sturdy piece of wood in them when it is shut to add another layer of protection.
4. Window Locks– Make sure your windows work and lock properly. Always keep them locked at night.


If you are living alone and need any help reinforcing your locks, Texan Lock and Key offers that help you need. Call us today!

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