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Home Lock Safety Rules in San Marcos, TX; Teaching Kids Techniques for Keeping House & Car Keys Safe

When you are a parent and you have a child that needs to have a house or a car key, you know that it can be nerve racking. The thought that the child will misplace it like they do their shoes, homework and brain half the time is a scary thought. Kids are not always careful with things that they should be taking care of so teaching them how important it is should be a start. The kids need to understand what the repercussions are if they do happen to leave the key laying around and someone gets a hold of it. The key gives that person access to your home which is housing to not only your family but all your personal belongings too. You can teach the kids about the cost of what is in the home as well as how the safety of the family is compromised if the key is lost. A would be burglar may not hit right away, they could wait it out for a few days and come when you are unsuspecting. They can also cost you money since the key went missing the parents now have to pay for a replacement key. The family may decide for safety reasons that they need to change out the locks and have new locks installed in the home. These will cost the family money and will require some time to have it done as well.

Texan Lock & Key List Ways to Help Kids Keep Their House & Car Key Safe

Use A Keyring or Lanyard: With the internet at your fingertips from your computer or your cell phone you can browse thousands of keychains. Handing a single key over to a child even if it is on a small ring is not a great idea. You want to get the child a lanyard that they can keep around their neck at all times and even tucked under their shirt. You can get a keyring that has an attachment that can be secured inside a backpack or a purse. This is a great way to keep the key in a secured spot so that you don’t have to worry about them setting it down. It will be on their person or in their bag until they remove it when they are standing at the door to use it.
Key Rack At Home: When the kids come home from school you don’t want them to throw their keys like they do the rest of their stuff. Kids are known for strewing their items all over and in a matter of minutes forgetting where they are. The same will go for keys if you don’t have a place for them to land. It is a great idea to have a rack somewhere so that as they walk in the house they can hang them up or place in a drawer. This can become a habit and stop them from losing the key even in the house.


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