• Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key

Home Security Systems; Are your Locks Enough?

When it comes to your home, if you lock the doors and windows most people feel secure. This could be true, but when it comes to locks and what you should have, do you really take time to analyze them? The locks that are on your home are there as a deterrent and also as a way to slow down an intruder that may try to enter your home. If a person has decided that they want in, the lock is not going to keep them out for long, but the hope is that the lock will slow them down enough that you will be able to notify someone that you need help.

Texan Lock and Key has some things to look for in your own home to make it as secure as you can:

Deadbolts – A deadbolt is a separate lock away from the actual handle of the door. Most companies will say that a deadbolt is one of the most important locks to have installed on your doorways that lead to the outside of the home. If you have a deadbolt or you are having one installed, you want to make sure that you check that it is installed correctly. The hole that is made on the frame of the door needs to be deep enough so that the bolt can actually extend all the way and fully engage. When the depth is not enough the deadbolt will not be able to hold up as it was intended. This can be corrected by calling a professional like Texan Lock and Key.

Windows – If someone wants to gain access to a home they will start with a door to see if it is left unlocked. If it is locked they may try for a minute to get in and break the locks on the door. If you have the locks locked and installed correctly they may decide to move on to the windows. Make sure that you take time to go through the home and close and lock the windows in each room. The windows that are accessible to the exterior of your home should have a second locking mechanism to ensure that they cannot be pushed open.

Sliding Glass Doors – This is a huge area for concern because a sliding glass door is usually at the back of the house where an intruder can easily take his time trying his luck at getting in. Many of these doors have a single latch that hooks them shut and can easily be pushed open. Be sure that you have a secondary locking system added to this type of door to make entry much harder for the would be intruder.

For a free home security consultation and to analyze the locks in your residence, call Texan Lock and Key today!

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