• Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key

How to Crack Open a Forgotten Safe Combination Lock in Round Rock, TX; Reset Code & More

When you forget the combination of an old safe or if you’ve just got a new one and are unable to open it, many are not sure what to do to unlock it. Safes are used to secure weapons, important documents, and even store valuables such as jewelry or money. When you’re unable to open your safe to gain access to your valuables, it can leave you stressed and wondering what to do next. Texan Lock and Key will walk you through the steps to open your home safe.

How to Crack Open a Forgotten Safe Combination Lock

1. Identify the Safe – There are a number of safes. Start by determining which type and brand of safe you have. Most safe codes can be reset. When you find out which type of safe you have, you can learn which steps to take to reset your combination, recover the combination or use other methods of opening your safe. Once you’ve identified you’re safe, look for the safe’s serial number if possible. If you can’t locate the serial number, you can still open the safe without it.
2. Determine Secondary Override – After you have the type and brand of safe and if possible the serial number, find out if or what type of override system it uses. Some will use a key override method where you insert a key and you input the new combination. Others will open simply by using a key. If you have the owners manual, consult the manual to see if the safe has an override system.
3. Contact a Locksmith – If you are unable to override your safe, contact a locksmith and provide the brand and type of safe and any additional information about the safe. A locksmith can sometimes override the safe combination or reset the combination. If a locksmith is not able to unlock the safe by recovering the combination, resetting, or overriding the lock we can get in manually. If the safe can’t be overridden or recovered, we can use tools to forcefully open the safe either by cutting or drilling into the safe. Each method will vary depending on the type of safe.

How Not to Forget Safe Combination

If you were able to recover your combination or were able to reset the safe combination, create a method so you won’t forget your combination again. One way is to create a rhyme or song of the combination to help jog your memory the next time you need to enter the safe. Some prefer writing it down multiple times to help them remember the combination better. If you choose this method, use a dry erase broad and remove the combination once you have it in memory. You don’t want to leave it out for someone to find. For those who need to write it down and keep a record of the combination, be careful how you write it down. When you write it down, avoid these two examples: 10/12/35 or 10-12-35 these two ways are obvious to burglars that this is a combination. Instead write something like 10+12+35 or 10x12x35 most will think it a math problem you where jotting down. If you really want to throw other people off, add an answer.


If you forget your safe combination, don’t feel locked out. Contact Texan Lock and Key we can come and help open your safe by first recovering the original combination, resetting, or by manually or forcefully opening your safe. Don’t be locked out of your safe. Contact Texan Lock and Key today.

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