• Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key

Kwikset & Schlage Types of Keys for Your Lock in Austin, TX? Check Grooves, Teeth & More

When you are in need of a new key for your home, office or car you go to a locksmith and ask them to make you a replacement key. You most likely don’t put much thought into which key they give you and why. It you stop and look at the keys on your key ring you will notice that there are all sorts of shapes and sizes. Have you ever wondered why there are so many options and why? The locksmith that is cutting keys will know what key you need based on the lock or the key that you bring in. There are some main differences in the keys that you can look at and understand.

Differences Between Specific Keys to Know Why You Have the Key You Have

What Shape Of Key Do You Need: When you go to have a new key made and you want to know what type you want, you can start by looking at the shape of the head. That is the upper part of the key that you use to grasp and rotate the key. There are really two main types of key heads to choose from. One is a Kwikset key that is rounded at the top and has either one hole or the more standard three holes. The other major house key option is a Schlage and it has a rough more triangular shape to the head. You want to stay with the type that was original to the lock.
Check Out The Grooves on Your Key: When you are looking to replace a key or have a new key made you need to know what the right key is. One area to look at is the grooves in the key. You need to have the right style grooves for the key to be able to slide in the lock. Your key may have a single channel or groove which is common with the Schalge key and the Kwikset has two grooves. These will go from the head of the key down to the tip. You need to be sure that the new key being made has the same style grooves.
Length Of The Key: When you are looking for a key you also need to compare the length of the replacement key. Some of the length can be adjusted so that the cuts will line up properly. The problem will come if you choose a replacement key that is too short. There is no way to add to the key so having a proper length is essential.
Do The Teeth Line Up: After the key has been cut you want to set them next to each other. The new key and the original key should have the same amount of teeth as well as the same shaped teeth. If they differ by sight the key needs to be cut again. Although the cuts are intricate and can vary ever so slightly you still can do a visual check before you do a check in the actual lock.


Texan Lock & Key offers key replacements and much more. Contact us for all your locksmith needs.

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