• Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key

Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Lock & Secure Your Austin TX Home; Installing Cheap or Wrong Locks, Leaving Spare Keys Out & Not Locking Doors & Windows

Most people want to feel safe and secure when they lock up their house. When it is time to lock up for the day or night most people have a routine to be sure that each access point is locked and secured. You may think that the locks you have are sufficient and will keep out people you don’t want in but you might be mistaken. Often people don’t take the time to have their home locks inspected and replaced with a lock that is safer and more secure. This service is of great benefit and having a locksmith come out and do a thorough lock inspection and audit is a fitting way to keep you secure.

Texan Lock and Key has some mistakes that you might be making when trying to secure your home.

You Install Cheap or Wrong Locks: This is a mistake that many homeowners make when changing locks or inspecting the existing locks they have on their doors when they move in. You may be tempted to go with the lowest cost but this doesn’t mean you will still have a good product. You want to make sure you have a lock that is made well and is the correct size for the door you are trying to secure. If you purchase a lock that is the wrong shape or size, it could mean your door will not secure properly.

Leaving A Spare Key Out: This is a great way for a relative or friend to get in your home while you are away. It’s also a great way for a burglar! The homeowner will typically leave a key under a rock, plantar box or a rug and think that no one will look for it. A burglar will come to a home and look around for the most common places that a person may leave a key. That is an easy way in and a bad idea for the homeowner. The better option is to leave a trusted friend or relative a key before hand.

Not Locking your Locks: This is a foolish way many people get taken advantage of. When you forget to lock your locks and set your alarm, you are leaving your home like an open invitation. The security only works when you use it the way it was intended.

If you are looking to secure your home, have your locks inspected and appropriate ones installed. Call Texan Lock and Key in KILLEEN, AUSTIN, SAN ANTONIO, ROUND ROCK, SAN MARCOS, FRISCO, AUSTIN, NEW BRAUNFELS AND HOUSTON TX today.

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