• Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key

Need an Emergency Locksmith in San Antonio TX? Call the 24/7 Residential, Commercial & Automotive Mobile Locksmiths at Texan Lock & Key!

When it comes to locksmiths you probably don’t give much thought about when you might need them. Everyone gets comfortable with going to their car and having their keys readily available. You also have a key ring that you use to open your home, office, locker and car. The key ring gives you access to all the locks you need to have access to and when it comes up missing you may not know what to do. This is the time that a locksmith is the first call you need to make. The problem comes in when it is after closing time and you still need to have someone come out to help with your key replacement.

Texan Lock and Key outlines just three situations that you might need the help of an emergency locksmith.

Keys come up missing, lost or stolen: This is a situation where you may not notice that you have lost your keys or they have been stolen right away. Usually you notice that you lost them when you go to use them again. This may be up to a day later and by then the lost keys may not be found. When you go to use your keys it is because you are ready to go somewhere and if you can’t get a new key made you are stuck missing appointments or a meeting commitments.

Locked keys in the car or house: This is a problem usually when you are in a hurry and you end up setting your keys down to grab something and the keys are left inside. This leaves you stuck out and if you don’t have a spare key nearby you will need the services of an emergency mobile locksmith. When you lock the keys in your car you are most of the time away from home and need quick access to the car to get back on the road again.

Locks are broken or key breaks off: This is a terrible feeling if you go to lock up the house or office and the key breaks off! You are now stuck with a key that is stuck in the lock and no way to get it back out. This will require the help of an emergency locksmith. We can come out and remove the broken key as well as make a duplicate that should have you back in business. You may also need a lock replaced if you try to use it to lock up and it is not functioning any longer.

If you run into a problem that requires an emergency mobile locksmith give Texan Lock and Key a call in KILLEEN, AUSTIN, SAN ANTONIO, ROUND ROCK, SAN MARCOS, FRISCO, AUSTIN, NEW BRAUNFELS AND HOUSTON TX to take advantage of our services.

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