• Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key
  • Texan Lock & Key

Tips to Secure Your San Antonio TX Home for Summer Vacations; Superior, Fortified Locks, Alarm Systems & Lock Valuables in a Safe!

It will be summer before you can blink. Many people take advantage of the school break and warm weather to take some much needed vacations. With no one home, one might start to feel paranoid about leaving their castle unprotected. No one wants to be a victim of a home burglary, especially if priceless valuables are lifted and irreplaceable family treasures get lost just because a self entitled jerk felt he had rights to your possessions.

Texan Lock and Key list some helpful hints to better safeguard your home while you are enjoying your summer vacation.

1. Avoid the temptations of displaying your plans on social media. Your updates and posts are easily seen by any scrupulous characters who know what they are doing. Wait to post the memories until after your safe return.
2. Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home. Be sure to let your trusted neighbor know if you have anyone stopping by to provide services, or a loved one tending to plants or what not, so they don’t call the cops on the innocent. But simply asking a neighbor to keep tabs on your home can be a tremendous help.
3. Manicure the landscape before you go. It does no good if unkempt bushes and trees are blocking the view of neighbors. Robbers often chose the cover of darkness to break in and use bushes and trees to slip quietly to their point of entry. Reducing the bulk and opening your home can help the neighbors keep better watch.
4. Invest in motion light sensors for the exterior of your home. In many instances, criminals are deterred from unexpected lights shining down on them. Consider automatic timers that will light up your home in the evening to give the illusion someone is inside.
5. Ask a trusted loved one to pop in your home randomly to pick up mail, tend to clutter around the front door way, water the plants and keep busy. Often, criminals will watch homes for consistent activities, if you have someone you trust frequent your house daily at random times, it is less likely to get broken in to.
6. If possible, have a house sitter come spend as much time as they can, for a more optimal effect that the daily visitor provides.
7. Avoid leaving valuables showcased in the view of opened windows. Many home break ins are merely a random act of convenience. Keeping the lustful items out of view can help reduce the risk of the convenient haul break in.
8. Have a professional install adequate security alarms with superior locks. Homes equipped with alarms and fortified locks are less likely to be victimized.
9. If you have a hidden safe, put appropriate valuables locked away. In the event someone manages to gain entry, having your treasures squirreled away can keep them safer.
10. Ensure all the windows and doors are locked, including second story windows. Seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many criminals gained access from an unlocked window the homeowner believed to be locked.


At Texan Lock and Key our technicians have advanced training, experience and expertise to offer our valued customers dependable services, especially if you need to enhance security to your home. Call us today for you locksmith needs!

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